Textile Chair by Anna Llobet

Textile Chair by Anna Llobet
Textile Chair by Anna Llobet
photo Sam Dunne
Core77 spotted this Textile Chair by Anna Llobet at the Valencia Design Week.

The Folding Cardboard Chair by Kaya

This week we had 3D design. We were supposed to make a smart chair. Something that you can transform, adjust, change as much as possible.

My chair model is made of cardboard and blue fabric. If the chair is folded, one person can sit on it. If you unfold it, it seats 6 people. You can push the first and the last cardboard pieces so that they will make a circle and you have a kind of sofa or you can just leave it unfolded. You can also pull apart the first and the last piece, so that you form two chairs connected with a table…and a lot more.

Via Kaya.Creative.Works who was know as theonethatmatters.tumblr.com once

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on November 30, 2011 at 4:41 PM

Experimenting away

This is the Do Hit Chair by Marijn van der Poll for Droog

You might see me doing some strange things here like changing theme. Just trying to get it all right again.
Almost finished as Chair Blog is back where it belongs, on its own URL.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on September 1, 2011 at 2:19 PM

Qing Dynasty Throne

In a successful attempt to get a photo online

Via Spooner Photography…When i posted this it was Spooner Zenfolio.

Hosting Hell, Hopefully in Heaven Now!

All of a sudden and totally unexpected my now former hosting company decided to kick me from their server.

They did this to you and me without any prior warning…..#Fail.
They claim that Chair Blog burdened their server too much over the last couple of days…while nothing had changed significantly. So my suspicion is their server or software had become a bit obsolete.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Actually this is a big THANK YOU to my readership! You have made this blog very popular by your frequent visits.

As a consequence Chair Blog will be in disorder for some time and many photos cannot be found.

I’ve now figured out that part of the problem is the way I put the link to photos in my posts. I’ve changed a couple of posts now, but the rest will only be visible in a couple of days when the Domain Chairblog.eu has moved to my new host as well.

Last edited by gje on October 7, 2010 at 5:27 PM