Chair Who? Chair Whore!

Chair Whore logo

That’s the wonderful thing of blogging: You browse, you share, people start to find you, they link to you, they blogrol you. You reciprocate as much as possible – at least I try to do so at my press page. They start copying stuff you’ve published, and the word spreads and spreads and spreads. Slowly but gradually. Sometimes they find you, if you haven’t found them already.

Today I looked into my blog’s stats and, out of the blue, I found incoming traffic from…who? Yes! I couldn’t believe my eyes: From Chair Whore! As Jamie from Mediarosa commented on Swiss Miss who found Chair Whore a couple of days ago:”I’m always amazed when someone can make such a singular pursuit without apology. Yay for chair whores everywhere!“. I concur, Jamie, and I love your woo theme find! Have to look into it:-) Am using the Thesis theme on the significant other blog, but hesitant about using it here.


Chair Whore is an offspring of the Blue Ant Studio blog of Miami, Florida, based Joel and Maria Pirela, which in turn has an sister Blue Art Studio blog. The photo is pinched from their blogger profile.

Until now I had been sitting on my hands not to start a “Chair Porn” series of photos I took in February of a fantastic exhibition of Ron Arad chairs in Paris. I believe I dare to do it now. Thank you Chair Whore!

Off topic observations:

  1. There is a strange find when you do a Chair Whore Google: You get this a strange PDF document, referring to Dutch Colonial past, where an OCR error occurred: The document starts as follows:
    “I think, Lady Chair, I don’t know quite where to start”
    which is garbled into:
    “[PDF] I think, Lady Chair, X don’t knar quite whore to start. hcrirould …” .
  2. Read the Urban Dictionary definition
  3. Finally, because I’m a bit reading about SEO for bloggers, I noticed that during the afternoon Swiss Miss was overtaken in Google by several others. Now I’m curious what happens when I post this:-)[update 11.56pm it landed just above Swiss Miss in the Chair Whore Google Search]

Henrich Zrubec’s concept for a wooden folding Chair

henrich zrubec wooden folding chair concept

henrich zrubec wooden folding chair concept

Henrich Zrubec’s concept for a wooden folding Chair

If you check out Henrich Zrubrec’s site (www(dot)hz-design(dot).net – Update April 19, 2012: I got a warning entering the site that it may be virus infected so I had to invalidated the link] you will agree that he has some wonderful ideas.

This is one of them. I’m sure to pay more attention to his work in the future.

To Be Continued Bench by Studio Julien Carretero

Julien-Carretero-To-Be-Continued Bench

Julien Carretoro, who is located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, developed this To Be Continued Bench.

Julien himself about the Bench:

It deals with creating a real and recognizable uniqueness within serial production. Instead of leaving randomness manage the differences, it uses the repetitive actions existing within the production process as a tool for differentiation.

Then each piece produced comes as a result of a process applied on the piece that came before. Each piece is then existing because of the others and couldn’t have been designed without the others.

Each layer is casted on top of the one casted before following the exact outline of it. Because of the imperfection of the cast, the object slowly mutates and start designing itself.

Material : polyurethane composite.

Multi Functional 23 X 11=72 Table and Chair: Brazilian Designers Revive Dutch Group De Stijl


And then all of a sudden an e-mail from a country far far away, lands in my in-box asking whether I could feature this multi functional 23 X 11=72 Table / Chair? With pleasure!
To my view not very exact they claim:

Exploring the functionalism of the Bauhaus time altogether with the neoplasticism by Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan, the furniture 23×11=72 was developed by the designers Adriana Trentin and Bruno Oro of the Brazilian studio, design o’clock….

Agreed Bauhaus and De Stijl originated in almost the same time frame and there were cross contacts, but more precisely Mondrian (Mondiaan in Dutch) was a member of the Dutch Group De Stijl (Dutch for The Style) at the same time of his contemporary famous chair designer and architect Gerrit Thomas Rietveld of whom I have featured a couple of chairs. So if I were them I would emphasize that a bit more.
In addition it is funny to realize the Chair function resembles more or less that of the Beach Chair en vogue here at the same time frame, but that’s for another post.

See Design O’Clock

Added note: Hm strange in both designers’portfolios they call the chair the YSL chair…

The Knitted Chairs Blog

On my other blog I predicted once: The Future: Back to the Past – Knitting.

Ever since I see something pointing in that direction I notice it. Now, via Jens Tiel [site disappeared], I hit upon a blog about knitted (monobloc plastic off course) full of knitted chairs: The Knitted Chairs. They were even featured on the NY Times, The Moment Blog. There is also a Flickr group devoted to the The Not-so-ubiquitous Knitted Chairs. I hope the lady behind the blog will enable me to publish some of her photos on this blog.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on December 1, 2011 at 12:12 PM