Spaghetti Bench by Pablo Reinoso

Spaghetti Bench by Pablo Reinoso
Via Designboom


Nickle Sofa by Johnny Swing

Johnny Swing showing off his coins sofas and chairs at New York Design Week. Here his Nickle Sofa
Via Designboom

C Collection by Yves Behar for Hickory Business Furniture

hickory business furniture, hbf, unveiled its new ‘c collection’ designed by yves behar during the ICFF.
new york design week 2008: hbf

Big Chair Boot Award

the big chair won! Students from the the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author program were each given an IKEA chair to reinterpret (macho, superstitious, bipolar, ambitious, etc.), and these were collected in what proved to be one of the more delightful experiences at the ICFF. Designed by Nigel Sielegar and produced by Kevin O’Callaghan, the booth was awarded top prize of the whole shebang.

Via Core77

Flod Stool

Flod Stool
Azuamoline has put the tech to great effect with their polyethylene Flod stool
NY Design Week 2008: ICFF: Azuamoline