4 Rietveld Zig Zag Chairs and Table at Christie’s Amsterdam

4 Rietveld Zig Zag Chairs and Table at Christie’s Amsterdam

Photo thanks to Christie’s

This set was designed and made by Gerrit Rietveld for Annie and Carel Bendien, friends of Gerrit. They gave it to a niece where it stayed up to the present day when it was auctioned at Christie’s in Amsterdam.

Rietveld Steel Chair at Christie’s Amsterdam

Rietveld Steel Chair at Christie’s Amsterdam

Photo thanks to Christie’s

On May 23rd, 2007 this 1927 Rietveld Steel Chair was also auctioned at Christie’s Amsterdam.

It shows that not only Mart Stam was involved in applying steel rods to chairs, but here the rods were solid as opposed to the hollow tubes Mart applied. The use of plywood was also very innovating in those days.

Le Corbusier LC2 Armchair

Thanks to Steel Classic I can show you these two armchairs of not only famous architect but also chair designer Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965).
Amazing how colors make a difference huh?