Grown into a Chair by Natalie Stämpfli – Indexhibit (4)

Grown into a Chair by Natalie Stämpfli
Grown into a Chair by Natalie Stämpfli

Natalie Staempfli actually reads as Natalie Stämpli….In writing this I realize the USA based invention “personal computer” gives us US based keyboards, US based alphabets and so on and so fort. In short no consideration for other than English language cultures. With an ä in your name you will be at a disadvantage against people without strange aaaaa’s in their name. US dominated and dominating search engines, despite their efforts with foreign languages, will never catch up as they should…Sorry for this rant Natalie. I’m just a bit bored to weed a lot of strange signs out of this blog.

Back to the subject: Natalie Staempli‘s Grown into a Chair is a really nice idea for a valet chair.

This is post 4 in our Indexhibit series.