Sea-Urchin by Studio Oooms and Rachel van Outvorst

Sae-Urchin by Studio Ooms and Rachel van Outvorst

This lounge chair is the perfect spot to spend your lazy Sunday afternoon reading a book. The inside of the chair is padded with soft cushions while the outside is covered with a structure of 8000 cable-ties. Every cable-tie is painstakingly stripped to another to give it the spiky appearance of the sea creature it’s named after.

3200,- Euro (Made to order)

Description: Lounge Chair, stainless steel frame, cable-tie cover
Dimensions: Ø 140 cm / Ø 55,1 inch
Design: OOOMS in cooperation with Rachel van Outvorst

Via Studio Oooms

About Studio Oooms

Studio OOOMS is run by Guido Ooms and Karin van Lieshout.
Guido Ooms (’74) graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2000.
After working as a freelance designer at different companies he started his own studio. Next to running the studio he also teaches design at the School of Arts in Utrecht.

Karin van Lieshout (’74) graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2001. She has a degree in teaching (BIK, professional artist in class) and worked in various designcollectives before she joined forces with Guido.

As a team, they fuel one another’s creativity with wit and humor.
Both designers have their own qualities, each contributing to a part of studio OOOMS.

Guido’s enthusiasm and playful approach towards almost everything makes sure the that studio has enough new ideas coming in. Karin’s down-to-earth attitude makes sure that the good ideas become reality.