Yellow Sunflower Chair by NASCAR Race Driver Shawna Robinson

Happy Chair is the furniture collection and a creative expression of former NASCAR race driver Shawna Robinson, whose background in professional racing spans more than 20 years. But Shawna’s creativity and passion for design go back even further.

In her chair furniture line, Robinson combines her appreciation of bold ‘crazy’ colors, art, animals and love of the thrill of taking risks. In Shawna’s words, this unique and joyful furniture company was “designed to create happiness” and it’s easy to see how even just one piece can add a splash of positivity to your life! Today we bring to you the yellow Sunflower chair, in support of our ‘yellow’ month.

Lollipop Bench by Estrorama

Looks like our beloved Chair Blog lacks colorful chairs lately, and especially ones finished in yellow since it’s still the Yellow Chairs Month. The Lollipop Bench by design studio Estrorama solves both these problems, so here’s the photo of it I took at their booth during the Design Act 2011 festival in Moscow a few weeks back. Not sure what took me so long to post it!

Upcycled Traffic Sign “Transit” Tall Back Chair by Boris Bally

Boris Bally and his Upcycled Traffic Sign “Broadway” armchair has already been featured here on Chair Blog, and funnily enough, it was featured in yellow color – the theme color of the month of September on the blog!

Today, I’d like to post Boris’ tall back “Transit” chair, also made of re-used traffic signs, champagne corks and steel hardware. There are so many color and print variations of it that I suggest you go to Bally’s website to see them all!

Image via

Yellow Mini Sandows Chair by Rene Herbst

Yellow Mini Sandows Chair by Rene Herbst

And I found this yellow Mini Sandows Chair by Rene Herbst. Vitra seems to have discontinued this chair.

Yellow Mini Panton Chair

Yellow mini Panton Chair by Verner Panton

I knew I had a photo of a yellow panton chair. I found it and it appears to be a yellow mini panton chair and not the best photo at that.

If you are a real chair lover you buy yourself a couple of nice mini chair. However, that can be a very costly hobby. If you check for instance Nova 68 who sell some mini Vitra Chairs, you’ll know what I mean: For a set of 5 you still pay $ 168.-….and then probably it’s a copy….