Veega Tankun Knitted Chairs

Veega Tankun

knitted chair

University of Brighton design graduate Veega Tankun opened her London based design studio and launched a series of chairs with giant blue knitted seating recently.

Richard Neutra Boomerang Chair

Sometimes I don’t know anymore where I found certain photo’s and seem not able to reconstruct how I found them. Mostly I don’t give up, but for Richard Neutra I make an exception, because there are not many Neutra Chairs…

Red and Blue becomes Black and Green – 2016 IMM Cologne (01)

No, unfortunately I haven’t visited IMM Cologne in 2016, but I plan to do so again in 2017. Via Design Boom I found out that Patricia Urquiola had designed Cassina’s stand there (and later in Milan). It was in celebration of Cassina’s 90th Anniversary. She used a temporary Rietveld installation in Arnhem of 1955 later used for the sculpture garden of the Kröller-Müller Museum. Cassina had designed a MutAzioni series for the occasion and the Black and Green Rietveld was one of that series.

Harry Thaler’s Pressed Chair

My own photo’s’ of Harry Thaler’s Pressed Chair with Harry Thaler himself 😉

and some proof of Harry’s site that the chair can bear some weight…: