Living Chair by Vladimir Tsesler and Sergei Voichenko from Russian Art/Design Studio Tsesler&Voichenko.
This is for all the ladies in the house! I love both the sexy modern electric red and feminine pink version of this chair. Â Clearly inspired by the human form of a female and holding itself with only three skinny yet sexy legs, it’s surprisingly sturdy and functional. Even more than that, it’s a sleek and glamorous piece of art just by sitting there. Yes, the Chair is literally sitting there!
I’ll leave it Polley, because you couldn’t know, but please check the blog for double entries. See the Sit Decent Chair.
Ah Eh but I see how it comes….I didn’t label my own post (-:
One of the reasons I abandoned the use of Clipmarks.
Settled that now…
On another tag I’m most curious where you found the chair….As you can see the Sit Decent Chair post has inspired 7 other places to share this chair. It may well be that the circle is really round.
Further update: And of the 7 trackbacks 4 have been deleted.
this resembles some art nouveau chairs I’ve seen in the past. Not the same idea, but similar recalibration of use and reposition of form. The color finish, though, is stunning. Excellent intuition
These are perfect – love how minimalistically sexy those are!
Where can one purchase this chair? Thanks, Eileen
Hi Eileen,
I wasn’t able to find where/what brand sold this chair. However, I found the creators’ website which has a contact section that allows you to leave messages.