Living Chair by Vladimir Tsesler and Sergei Voichenko

Living Chair by Vladimir Tsesler and Sergei Voichenko

Living Chair by Vladimir Tsesler and Sergei Voichenko from Russian Art/Design Studio Tsesler&Voichenko.

This is for all the ladies in the house! I love both the sexy modern electric red and feminine pink version of this chair.  Clearly inspired by the human form of a female and holding itself with only three skinny yet sexy legs, it’s surprisingly sturdy and functional. Even more than that, it’s a sleek and glamorous piece of art just by sitting there. Yes, the Chair is literally sitting there!

Sit Decent Chair

Sit Decent Chair

This was part of my experiment with Clipmarks, a clipping service that discontinued in February 2012.

Thanks to Russian reader BaleBala we know this chair was designed by the Russian Baby Boomers Artdesignstudio Tsesler & Voichenko Check them out.