Inspired by the artistic shaped musical symbol G-clef, Zhi-Xian Yu, a teacher, designed the Gchair, originally called the ClefChair. He experimented this piece in several different materials and size. The finalized Gchair comes in 2 forms and size, stainless steel and wired metal for adults and kids. I have to say I love the stainless steel more for it’s modernness and seeing him play with the depths and angles. I think it’s the perfect piece for a concert hall or music school’s lobby.
Yu teaches high school students and encourages young adults in Taiwan to explore their own creativity and design instincts. Read more about his related design in Gchair, or in his personal Chinese Blog.
I love the music-related design. It’s so good to introduce some good piece of Taiwan designers’ work. Thanks for your sharing! Wait for your next article.
Not a chair to sit in but to perch on. Beautiful steel craftmanship. Art value low. Novelty value high. With your craftmanship and my designs we could make a beautiful team. Email me if you would like to see some of my designs.
Ref. G Clef chair and above comment. My email address is globopolis[at]gmail.com. Hope to hear from you.