Online chair by Emilio Nanni

Online Chair by Emilio Nanni

Online chair by Emilio Nanni

How one post can lead to another:
When Julia posted the Outline Chair by Sebastina Errazuriz I thought “When there is an Outline chair out there, there certainly must be an Online Chair out there” and after a simple search found this one. Next question off course is “And how about an Inline chair?” Answer: There is..stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Online chair by Emilio Nanni”

  1. Haha, I was JUST going to inqure about the INline chair! Looking forward to seeing it 🙂 To keep things interesting I’m not even going to google it 🙂

  2. Well
    Actually I believe you should, as I have a strong suspicion your Google results will be different even maybe very different from mine!

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