::UN:: A follower of Chairblog|Tumblr and Fractal Chairs

::UN:: asks whether I was aware of the Fractal Chairs. No I wasn’t, but now I am, as I found his post when looking it up at now defunct Google Link search at Google.

I am in the process of discontinuing and gradually diminishing Chairblog|Tumblr: Adding its posts here and deleting them there….

I’m linking to ::UN::, as one of the disadvantages of Tumblr is it has no comment possibility. So I cannot comment that I was not aware of the post. Maybe ::UN:: will find this post sometimes when he tracks this post when looking up his trackbacks.

Another disadvantage of Tumblr is it doesn’t provide for an easy search function, while WordPress does.

Do not use the AntiLeech Plugin!

I clicked on this Blog this morning and found out that in one way or another someone or something had taking over the content.

After a call to my service provider they advised me to install a newer WP Version. Currently the Blog runs on version 2.6.1. of WordPress. Worpress advises to install version 2.7.
I will! I will!
However, like with every update I first like to test the new version locally a bit more before uploading it to my own hosted site…..

After some rummaging around (the WP database was still intact), I found out that the AntiLeech “plugin” had taken over in one way or another and garbled my output, ALL output.

So the lesson learned is to deactivate this “plugin” and get rid of it….completely and entirely.


Right now this site is not working as it should. I have been experimenting with various Plugins for WordPress. It may take some time before I have figured out what the problem is. It seems having to do with read write permissions on the server which were overwritten by a Plugin.
Sorry again!

Update: Issues solved

London Design Festival 2008 (1): Phillips de Pury and Maarten van Severen


Your Chair Blog editor spent a couple of days in London and visited Tent London, 100% Design and design auction house Phillips de Pury and Company.

There I was able to take a photo of Maarten Van Severen’s .03 chair myself:
Maarten van Severen .03 chair
(much) More to follow.

1000 Top Brand Name Furniture


by: 1000 Top Brand Name Furniture, but you’ll have to pay to get the full treat on their site!