Cantilever Chair by Choi Byung Hoon

Choi Byung Hoon at Paris gallery downtown

Paris gallery downtown francois laffanour will be showing a collection of 25 works by the korean designer choi, byung hoon beginning on may 16th. the nature inspired work of byung hoon on show will include a selection of new tables, chairs and benches. the works are all made using wood stones and raw natural materials and as such can be used outdoors or in. the show’s center piece will be a large dining table. the show will continue running until july 12th.

Via choi byung hoon at paris’ galerie downtown

Emeco: An Old Chair Manufacturer Goes Nude


About the ad
In the March 2008 Wallpaper* Magazine (UK) my eye was drawn to a new ad with nudes seated on an Emeco Navy 1006: One brushed, used by Petty Officer FTG3 | Tony Cost, and one polished, used by Parisienne socialite | Amelia-Louise Enright.

Ad by Wieden Kennedy, brand champions to many, who had assembled a creative team featuring Neil Wilder, celebrity photographer and maniacal visionary.

This is the first time I see full but decent nudity used for a chair ad.

Notice the hairdo analogy brushed (cropped) versus polished!

About Emeco
It all began in 1944 with the Emeco NAVY 1006 Chair in 1946. Then handmade and still handmade.

In an older ad they used to emphasize the solidity of the lightweight chairs with some weight in stead of nudity.

Emeco Navy Chairs Old Ad
Emeco Navy Chairs Old Ad

About Environmental Issues
Emeco claims: The content of recycled aluminum used to make Emeco chairs is 80%. Of the recycled aluminum, half is post consumer (soft drink cans) and half is postindustrial (manufacturing scrap). Chairs made out of virgin aluminum have an energy density that is 17 times higher than that of Emeco chairs. Well I like it. It is of course only half of the story as everybody knows aluminum is a hell of an energy gobbler before it reaches usable state. I see another slogan here: Drink and you will have half a chair:-)

About the Navy 1006 Chairs

I add two photos of the Emeco Navy 1006 Chairs:

the brushed one
and the polished one

Photos: Emeco

Philippe Starck himself

Philippe Starck

Just a photo of Philippe Starck, famous designer and chair designer, a bit photo shopped, but as he is, a bit idiosyncratic….