Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for TON CZ

Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for Ton front

Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for TON CZ

by Michal Riabic for TON. A design at the occasion of 150 years of bentwood furniture production in Bystřice pod Hostýnem, CZ.
Via Behance.

Caterpillar Stool by Hyeonil Jeong

Caterpillar Stool by Hyeonil JeongThe Caterpillar chair by Hyeonil Jeong is made out of CNC-cut pieces of plywood woven together using bungee cord to form a flexible seat.

Jeong says, “No matter how stiff each piece is, flexible relation makes a smooth flow. Its elastic connection allows an organic surface movement despite the rigidity of ply-wood material.”

Giulia Sofa by Be Plus Have


Giulia Sofa

by Be Plus Have, a Torino, Italy, based design studio.
Via Yatzer and Be Plus Have

Pablo Picasso in his Studio Villa “La Californie”

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (1881-1973) in his Thonet Rocking chair. Yes, that is his full name. Love him or hate him, just remember him.

via MONDOBLOGO: picasso in his studio villa "la californie".

Jim’ll Fix It Chair Up For Auction

Jim’ll Fix It was a popular television series hosted by Sir Jimmy Savile in the UK for decades. One of the most famous episodes was one where he took a couple of scouts to Blackpool to have lunch in a roller coaster. Hilarious! 25 Years later Jim repeated it with the same guys, now 25 years older.
The chair from which it was presented came up for a charity auction at the end of this month.

Via World TV PC.