Istanbul 2003 Biennial: A Chair Installation

Doris Salcedo Chair installation at the Istanbul 2003 Biennial

Istanbul 2003 Biennial: A Chair Installation

Recently I visited the 2007 Istanbul Biennial.

While browsing the web and preparing a couple of posts for my other Blog about this visit, I thought I had missed this installation, but now I am assured that these were pictures of the 2003 Istanbul Bienial. Thanks to Pytr75 (alias Belgian Pieter van den Dorpe).

Swiss Thonet Specialist: Dieter Staedli, Basel

Wiener Moebel
Wiener Moebel in Basel, CH

After a comment on my prior post from Fasita I was curious whether I could find a picture of the Thonet #16.

Instead I found a very interesting German Language site of a Swiss Thonet afficionado Dieter Staedeli.

Philippe Starck himself

Philippe Starck

Just a photo of Philippe Starck, famous designer and chair designer, a bit photo shopped, but as he is, a bit idiosyncratic….

Istanbul Street Bench: Sit on a Book for a change

Street Bench Istanbul

On a recent trip to Istanbul I discovered this street bench in book form. Here you can sit on a book and read a book.

Marc Newson Wicker Chair at Christie's NYC

Marc Newson Wicker Chair
Marc Newson Wicker Chair
Photo thanks to Christie’s

Finally the fourth and last Newson chair that is for sale at Christie’s: A wicker chair.


Lot Number 0114 Sale Number 1950
Lot Title MARC NEWSON (b. 1963)
Estimate 12,000 – 18,000 U.S. dollars
Lot Description MARC NEWSON (b. 1963)
A Wicker and Steel Chair, 1990
for Idée
30 in. (76.2 cm.) high

Update: It fetched $11,250