Rubber Thonet Number 14 Chair by Sebastian Straatsma


Rubber Thonet no. 14 Chair

Usually Dutch Designer Sebastian Straatsma is involved in dust collectors….vases are also dust collectors;-)

This rubber chair was featured as part of a project of a Dutch Foundation, Design Den Haag which researches the relation between Design and Government in Europe within an international context, from cultural, economic and social viewpoints.

Via DesignBoom.

Chair Shadow by Joe Penrod


Chair Shadow

Joe Penrod is a master in painting shadows with painters tape.
Via Best Of.

Chelsea Design show Highlight


Chelsea Design show Highlight. Note to self: Have to find the designer…

Top Posts Half May – Half June 2012

1) Chairs Suck! Good Chair Design is Impossible!: 408 views.

Seat Down Please Pouf by Maria Kyrmosava

2) Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Seated in Style: 392 views.


3) Universale Chair by Joe Colombo – 2012 IMM Cologne (17): 389 views.

Universale Chair by Joe Colombo - 2012 IMM Cologne _MG_1337

4) Rocking Cha Cha Chair by Helmut Palla: 388 views.

Rocking Cha Cha Chair by Helmut Palla

5) Chairchill by Helmut Palla: 383 views.

Top Posts Half May – Half June

I’ve tried to fence it off by smuggling two days, but it didn’t help: Our number 1 post Chairs Suck! Good Chair Design is Impossible! stayed number 1;-)

Anyway, Our Visits at 36,694 went down as well as our page views at 89,675.

No excuses as our hosting was almost flawless.

We just need you to come back more frequently!

Pleated Pleat by Raw Edges Design Studio


Pleated Pleat by Raw Edges

I was almost certain we had featured the Stool, chair and lounger upholstered with pleated Tyvek by Yael Mer and Shay Alkalay of Raw Edges Design Studio here already…Not so. Pleating allows flat, non elastic materials to become a springy, three dimensional cushion when filled with soft polyurethane foam. That is what they did here.
Notably I’ve found an entire blog dedicated to pleating: Pleat Farm, which to my pleasure, has a Chairs section as well.
Images are from Designboom