Lock of Love – Ultimate Valentine’s Chair by Bliss

Lock of Love - Ultimate Valentine chair by bliss


I realize I’m one day late, but I can’t help it, I only discovered it today and I don’t want to save it for next year. This Chair installation by the name Lock of Love is created by Rotterdam, The Netherlands, based artists Bliss. It is a public chair. It even has a standard to put your camera in front of it to capture you and your beloved, if you like. Ultimately it is the maker’s intention that you bring your own lock, put your name and the name of your beloved on it, click it to the chair and throw the key in the canal, referring to an Italian fairytale promising that as long as the lock remains there, your relation will last….poetic, isn’t it?

Discovered in the Dutch Newspaper NRC, on the blog of Reinier de Jong, a Dutch chair designer, and on Enter The Mothership which has more photos.

Ande here the photo/article of NRC, because you can clearly see the locks already added:
