Vero Cuoio means real leather.
Once in a while we receive e-mails with the request to help identify a certain chair. If we like the chair we gladly offer help. The writer believes this to be close to a Tucroma Chair designed by Guido Faleschini.
Hello. I have some chairs that were manufactured by Mariani that I would like to identify. The closest that I have come is that they were designed by Guido since they have almost exactly the same base as the Tucroma chairs, but the application of the leather is different. The leather is Vero Cuoio and the application is more of a Breuer Chair stretched leather. I have included a link to a few pictures I have taken of them for further help. Please let me know if they can be identified as soon as possible as the matter is of the utmost urgency. I thank you in advance for your time and help!
However I have my doubts:
I found this photo on 1stdibs:

And another one here:

The tubular frame of the Tucroma is thicker and the seating is free swinging, more of a cantilever type than that of the mystery chair. Moreover the seating is upholstered rather than flat leather.
Winston Art says:
Noted Italian designer Guido Faleschini created these chairs named “Tucroma” in 1972 and they were produced in Italy by Mariani exclusively for the Pace Collection. In chromed tubular steel.
Unfortunately I can find no web presence of Guido Faleschini, Pace Collection or Mariani. Even the i4Mariani site seems out of order.
Any of our readers?
Update January 30, 2024
Coincidentally I tried a Google lens search with the first photo above and found this site: Design Market with two pairs of these chairs for sale in natural cognac colored leather and describing the chairs as Dilos Chairs by Guido Faleschini.

I would say “Bingo”
About Guido Falechini
Guido Faleschini, in 1942 got a degree of Industrial Expert in Milano and then in 1952-1953 the degree of Superior School of Art applied to Industry where he was awarded the first prize at the end of the course. He graduated in Architecture in 1960 from the University “Ateneaum de Lausanne”; here he was also teaching in the period 1970-1974 as teacher of Architectonic Composition in the Italian Section of the University. From 1950 till 1968 obtaining many prizes in painting competitions. He started in 1960 the activity of Industrial Designer for many Forniture Companies placed in the Brianza Area. Numerous exhibition booths in international trade shows of various industries especially for I 4 Mariani S.p.A. He partecipated to the competition PRINT laminate and to the Biennal of Mariano with many different quotations. A complete furnishings for private houses from 1950 in different cities. Office furnishings like Company Sangalli in Monza and Company ATE in Sesto San Giovanni. Complete furnishings in clothing storse. For all the above listed architectures he designed also the interior furnishings. He designed the room of the Saharian Rocky Art Section of the Civic Museum of Prehistoric Art of Pinerolo where he is also the scientific Responsible since 2001.
Via i4Mariani
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