Top Posts October 2012

1) 407 views: Sofa for 2 by Kho Liang Ie:


2) 405 views: Mediation Chair by Peter Sas:

Mediation Chair by Peter Sas

3) 395 views: Blue 570 Chairs by Pierre Paulin for Artifort:

4) 376 views: Clover Chair by Ron Arad – 2012 IMM Cologne (20):

clover chair by Ron Arad Close up

5) 359 views: Top Posts Half September – Half October 2012:


6) 352 views: Yellow Settee by Dominique Prevot:

Yellow Settee by Dominique Prevot

The best of Chair Blog October, 2012

Still based on our Feedburner stats. At least their stats are still working.

Less posts as, with others, I’ve started a new Dutch blog about the city I live in: The Hague. The startup took a lot of my precious time. Less posts also because I’m revamping the lay out of the site with a new version of the Thesis theme for WordPress.[Update: Done by the end of the day, with some minor issues to address].

Google Analytics shows the following for October:
Visits: 44.787 vs 45.420 (-1,39%) in the corresponding prior period.
Pageviews: 103.929 vs 106.095 (-2,04%).

Glad we’re still over 100,000 pageviews.

And some Miscellaneous stats:

Stay tuned!

Hang-On Bauhaus Special Chair by Rogier van Camelbecke


Belgian industrial designer Rogier van Camelbecke asked me to share his Hang-On Bauhaus Special Chair with you. It’s a one off, not for sale and this seems the only available photo of the chair.

poSTOOLate Project

poSTOOLate Project

poSTOOLate Project

PoSTOOLate, that opened in Minsk, Belarus, October 19 and will last till November  3, is a joined exhibition project of Belarusian Union of Designers, Belarusian State University of Arts and Culture and Belarusian State Academy of Arts. The exhibition presents authors’ visions of a chair as an utilitarian object, an art-object and an artistic image in graphic arts, and will lay a foundation for creation and further development of Belarusian Chair Museum collection.

A chair museum is always a good idea, isn’t it? Another great thing happening within the poSTOOLate exhibition is the Chair Design Competition:

It is believed that every architect or designer has to create his own chair. Many of these iconic objects are now cherished in worlds’ most prominent museum collections and are named after their creators: chairs by Le Corbusier, Mackintosh, Rietveld, Aalto, Dickson, Stark are still considered masterpieces of high art. We think that such simple object as a chair clearly illustrates one of the main poSTOOLates of design as a unity of function, image and form.

Top Posts Half September – Half October 2012

1) 321 views: Golden Titi Chair by Marjorie Skouras:


2) 319 views: Chair and Tell by Marijke Boulogne:

Chair and Tell

3) 314 views: Spiky or Love Me Tender Chair by Didier Faustino :

Spiky Chair by Didier Faustino 2

4) 311 views: Best of Chairblog Half August – Half September, 2012:

Welding Wood Stool by Culdesac

5) 310 views: Otto Wagner Armchair by J&J Kohn:

Otto Wagner Armchair by J&J Kohn

The best of Chair Blog Half September – Half October, 2012

Yet again based on our Feedburner stats. Just wait and see whether they will continue after October 20, 2012 when support for the Api by Google stops.

Contrary to my earlier belief it is not easier to pinpoint the most visited pages from another stats program. In addition there were no significant peaks in views according to the other stats programs during the last 30 days.

Google Analytics shows the following:
Visits: 43,862 vs 44,325 (-1.04%) in the corresponding prior period.
Pageviews: 102,360 vs 111,783 ( -8.43%).

And some Miscellaneous stats:

Hope to see you soon.

The Windsor Institute: 10-15-12

The Windsor Institute: 10-15-12