Spun by Thomas Heatherwick for Magis

Spun is a fun chair by Thomas Heatherwick manufactured by Magis using rotational plastic moulding and first presented in Milan during the design week last year. Not being immediately recognized as a chair, it even looks like it could be a sculptural vessel, but when lent on the side, Spun allows for a comfortable sitting experience all the while letting the user rock or even spin around in circles. Not only is it fun, but seems to be a good work out too!

Sit on your Envelope


Sacchetto Tyvek®

Sitting on your envelope? Would that be possible? Spalvieri and del Ciotto have designed Sacchetto Tyvek, a chair made of Tyvek® that is used for envelopes that can keep big bunches of paper work without tearing apart. So yes! It is possible!

Via Designboom.

Recycled Skateboard Bench by Deckstool

Broken skateboards are a byproduct of our culture usually destined for the landfill. The deckstoolâ„¢ recycles this waste into a unique, heirloom quality piece of furniture. The scrapes and scars on the decks create beautiful patterns over the original skateboard artwork. Every deckstool is meticulously built and finished by skilled craftsman in Pennsylvania, USA.

Uncomfortable Seating (1)


Uncomfortable Seating

Out of the blue – I was invited by Candy Sylvasie of Art of the Spa to join an Uncomfortable Chair Party. What was it about? Candy had teamed up with Carrie A. Hansen of Snuggery Style and the two ladies of Moggit, Joy and Janet to organise an Uncomfortable Chair Party.

Part of the idea was to have a talk show and to have people submit their most uncomfortable chair to Snuggery Style’s FaceBook page.

Because the whole operation was scheduled on an hour I would be sound asleep, I would miss it anyway, but I couldn’t resist to offer the girls five of the most uncomfortable chairs we have featured on this blog:

Seat Down Please Pouf by Maria Kyrmosava 1) The Seat Down Pouf of barbed wire: Too prickly to sit on.

2 ) The Nano Chair, because it is really too small to sit on.

3) A prickly Cactus Sofa

4) The Shapened Pencil Chair, and

Egg Sofa5) The Egg Sofa

Which gave them a good laugh and me a good idea for this blog:

Because I have already too many categories (I know, in the opinion of some people a deadly sin against proper blogging) I’ve immediately added another one, uncomfortable seating, as a category. Thank you for this inspiration girls!

And then I received a transscript of the party:

Hehe and only now I understand what they meant: A hastag twitter chat #homespachat which they organize more frequently. I must have been under the rocks….

Anyway watch the category uncomfortable seating for more of our finds. BTW, what is your (un)fave?

TweetingSeat by Chris McNicholl

TweetingSeat by Chris McNicholl
TweetingSeat by Chris McNicholl with man

Chris McNicholl™’s TweetingSeat is more than just a Twitter-themed bench, it’s an interactive seat designed to try and connect our digital and physical worlds. Each time someone sits down, TweetingSeat uploads an image from two cameras to the Twitter feed. One camera is located on the bench looking at the surrounding space, and another is located nearby looking at the people who use it.

Via design-milk.com